lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Take the bull by the horns : to deal with a difficult situation in a brave and firm way.
*keep your head above water : to manage to survive not having much money, time or things like that.
*Two heads are better than one : Two people working together are more likely to solve a problem than one person doing it alone.
*Honest: means when a person dont lie and say always the true 
*As easy as a pie : if something is very easy.
*Pie-eyed : if someone is very drunk.
*Have a finger in many pies : to be involved in lots of different activities.
*A bad egg : if someone bad or dishonest.
*Pull all your eggs in one basket : to have only one option or plan.
*He/She get egg on your face : if someone make an embarrassing mistake.
*Drop weight : to lose weight.
*Purge :to make your self vomit
*Follow your footsteps : to do the same as you.
*Be full of beans : to be full of energy.
*Spill the beans : to tell someone, something secret.
*Have not got a bean : to have not got money.
*Be a hot potato : to be a delicate issue and people can,t agree
*Be like two peas in a pod : two people that are very similar
 *He/She gone bananas : to act in a crazy way.
Take the bull by the horns : to deal with a difficult situation in a brave and firm way.
*keep your head above water : to manage to survive not having much money, time or things like that.
*Two heads are better than one : Two people working together are more likely to solve a problem than one person doing it alone.
*Honest: means when a person dont lie and say always the true 
*As easy as a pie : if something is very easy.
*Pie-eyed : if someone is very drunk.
*Have a finger in many pies : to be involved in lots of different activities.
*A bad egg : if someone bad or dishonest.
*Pull all your eggs in one basket : to have only one option or plan.
*He/She get egg on your face : if someone make an embarrassing mistake.
*Drop weight : to lose weight.
*Purge :to make your self vomit
*Follow your footsteps : to do the same as you.
*Be full of beans : to be full of energy.
*Spill the beans : to tell someone, something secret.
*Have not got a bean : to have not got money.
*Be a hot potato : to be a delicate issue and people can,t agree
*Be like two peas in a pod : two people that are very similar
*Its not you cup of tea : to do not like much a sport, person, type of music or things like that.
*I wouldn`t do it for all the tea in China : If you don´t want to do something and you will never do it.
*As good as a chocolate teapot : to be completely useless.
*Plenty more fish in the sea : to be other choices in a situation.
*The icing on the cake : to be the last good thing of a plan that makes it totally better.
 *He/She gone bananas : to act in a crazy way.
*A second bite of the cherry : to have a second oportunity
*Its a case of sugar grapes: If somebody pretends not to be inpressed by something because he/she feels jelous we use this expression
* Plenty more fish in the sea : to be other choices in a situation.
 *the icing on the cake : to be the last good thing of a plan that makes it totally better.
*Just not cricket : to do something unfair or dishonest.
*Toy with : to play with somebody´s feelings seriously.
*A toyboy : to be younger than your girlfriend.
*Like a ton of bricks : to be very heavy.
*Fly the nest : to leave your parent´s home for the first time.
*Have a nest egg : to have an amount of money saved for the future.
*I wasn`t born yesterday : if someone knows that you are cheating him or her.
*Have a whale of a time : to have a lot of fun while doing something
*To be the size of a whale : to be large and overweight.
*To lie by omission : to lie by not telling all the truth.
*Take somethingbwith a pinch of salt : to be very careful with something.
*The big cheese : to be the most important or powerful person in a group or organization.
*Thalk and cheese : that two persons are very different to each other.
*Little bird told me : if someone knows something, that you didn´t tell to him or her.
*To be or to have a big mouth : to talk too much, specially about things which should be kept in secret or avoided.
*All the colours of the rainbow : to be very colourful.
*Play with fire : to do something which could be dangerous.
*Add fuel to the fire : to make a bad situation even worse.
*A big fish in a small pond:mean that someone is very important in a small group
*Cold fish:that someone is unfrendly
*Paket like sardines:To describe people that is in  very crowded space 
*Like a duck to water : it means that you discover when you start doing somethin that yo

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